Virgis Tamosiunas (Lithuania)

gravure, peinture
« Inner nature, outer landscape through abstraction”
Using abstraction's plasticity to model impressions and feelings of my experience.

Jordi Urbon (Spain)

photomontage, collage
« an enigmatical universe of poetry”
Jordi Urbon observes the evolution of things : here today, they will disappear tomorrow. Materials used express this inner fragility.

Others artists take part to some events
Dobra Bodakova (CZ), Jacques Drouin, Brigitte Dykman, M Jeanne Faravel,  Fleur, Joel Gorlier, Joel Gaillard, Isabelle Grimaud Henry, Gabriella Krewett,  Fréderic Lange, Michèle Margary, Michel Mourier , Wrobel(Pl),   Opalewski(Pl) , Josette Paquet, Philippe Pech,  Sylvie Rambur, Claudie Ravier,  Stephanoff....

occasional associated artists

Ladislav Steininger (Czeck Republic)

“…following and unwinding the thread...”
He has been developing the themes of Birth, Death and Ravage since he witnessed the lost of his pieces in the 1997 great flooding.

Francesc Morera (Spain)

« outer look, inner vision”
I model emptiness and silence.

Jan Misiek (Poland)

collage, painting“memory and history”
Jan Misiek tells us about the mysteries of growing up by using diverse materials reflecting a social environment.

and there

Volsy (France)

Painting, sculpture
“…listening to the time…”
Altered matter reflects the diversity that surrounds us, the way elements and history evolve .Stillness around has a vibrating life.

Brigitte Long (France)

installation, sculpture
“listening to the strength and fragility of the world”
One day, matter is here. Intense, raw or delicate, it contains a secret life and opens a new space.

Danielle Toledano (France)

sculpture, painting, collage
“art between philosophy and literature…”
Digging into present to create an elaborate personal archeology with daily objects or industrial products.


Anna Misiek (Poland)

translation, organisation

Elena Ilina (Germany)

photo, peinture« find a space between dream and reality”
Her work reflects her life experience modelled by History, made of exile and reconstructions.

The team

Zettelmann (Allemagne)
installation, performance
" sensible aux petits riens qui changent tout"